
Lunch Bunch

This year, School Counselors continue to meet with students during lunch periods. Sometimes counselors will choose specific students, and students may be permitted to ask a friend to join them for lunch. Lunch Bunch is a great way for Counselors and students to get to know each other in a fun and relaxing setting, while working on important concepts (being a good friend, showing respect, taking turns, personal space, etc.) Typical lunch activities include group discussions, reading books, playing games and role-playing scenarios that students may experience in and out of school. These are wonderful learning opportunities for our students.

Counselors will also interact with students during lunch in the Cafeteria. Sitting with students in the Cafeteria is a great way to get to know students, their friends, interests, hobbies, etc.

All students in Grades 1 through 5 will eat lunch with Mrs. Marshall at least 1 time during the school year.

Parent permission is required for weekly lunch groups. If your child is selected to participate in a weekly lunch group, a parent permission slip will be sent home with your child.

Be sure to ask your child about having lunch with the School Counselor!

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