
Mix It Up at Lunch Day

Dear Parent / Guardian:

“Mix It Up at Lunch Day” is a nationwide campaign that helps students appreciate and respect diversity. The national “Mix It Up at Lunch Day” is held annually for students in Grades 2 through 6. Last year, an estimated 4 million students participated in this event.

Four times each school year (one time per grading period), we will encourage our students to take a new seat in the cafeteria. By taking a new seat in the cafeteria and meeting new people, we can teach children that no matter what our differences are, we can all be friends!

It is critical to teach students about diversity at a young age. Research shows:

*Prejudice begins to take place in children as young as age three.

*In elementary school, children begin to realize that, by forming groups of friends, they can exert influence over others.

*By 2nd or 3rd Grade, students know what it means to be popular or unpopular.

We encourage you to ask your child to reflect on his / her experience at Mix It Up At Lunch Day. You may want to ask:

1. How did you feel about the event? Why?

2. How did others treat you?

3. Was it fun? Why / Why not?

4. Did you make any new friends?

5. Would you be willing to “Mix It Up” again tomorrow or next week? Why?

Thank you for your support in this important event. In working together, we may begin to make students more aware of diversity, acceptance, and tolerance. We plan to hold Mix It Up at Lunch events each grading period throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 797-1251.


Mrs. Marshall

Mrs. Wingard

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