
Driving Directions

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Keystone High School Visitors: All visitors should park in the upper parking lot and enter the building from the "circle" area. Please press the buzzer on the right brick wall, identify yourself, and wait for the secretary to admit you. Once inside the building, proceed up the stairs on your right to the main office, where you will be issued a visitor's pass.

Keystone Elementary or Administrative Office Visitors: Please park in the left side of the parking lot (when facing building). At the main entrance, please press the buzzer next to the right door, identify yourself, and wait for the secretary to admit you. Once inside the building, proceed straight across the hall to the main office, where you will be issued a visitor's pass.

From the west (from Sharon traveling east) on I-80:

Use Exit 53 (old Exit 7--Knox exit) to get off the interstate. Turn left at the stop sign on the exit ramp. Proceed approximately .7 mile to a "T" road junction (Route 338). Turn right toward Knox; go approximately 3 miles. You will notice that the wooded scenery gives way to a more open area. If you glance ahead to your left, you will see Keystone High School on Beatty Avenue.

To the right is a Tom's Riverside Market. Make a left onto Huston Avenue, which is across from Riverside. Keystone High School is on your right; you will see Keystone Elementary Ľ mile ahead on your left. The Administrative Offices are located on the second floor of Keystone Elementary.

From the east (from DuBois traveling west) on I-80:

Use Exit 53 (old Exit 7--Knox exit) to get off the interstate. Turn right at the stop sign on the exit ramp. Proceed approximately .7 mile to a "T" road junction (Route 338). Turn right toward Knox; go approximately 3 miles. You will notice that the wooded scenery gives way to a more open area. If you glance ahead to your left, you will see Keystone High School on Beatty Avenue.

To the right is a Tom's Riverside Market. Make a left onto Huston Avenue, which is across from Riverside. Keystone High School is on your right; you will see Keystone Elementary Ľ mile ahead on your left. The Administrative Offices are located on the second floor of Keystone Elementary.

From the west using Route 322:

Proceed east to Kossuth and turn right at the junction of Route 338. Continue approximately 4 miles; you will come to a stop light. Stop at the light, and then continue straight through the intersection for approximately .4 mile. There will be a car wash and Tom's Riverside Market on your left.

Turn right across from Riverside onto Huston Avenue. Keystone High School will be visible on your right on Beatty Avenue, and Keystone Elementary is visible about Ľ ahead on your left. The Administrative Offices are located on the second floor of Keystone Elementary.

From the east using Route 322:

Proceed west to Shippenville and turn left at the intersection of Route 208 West. Proceed approximately 4 miles until you come to a red light. Turn left at this intersection and continue for about .4 mile. There will be a car wash and Tom's Riverside Market on your left.

Turn right across from Riverside onto Huston Avenue. Keystone High School will be visible on your right on Beatty Avenue, and Keystone Elementary is visible about Ľ ahead on your left. The Administrative Offices are located on the second floor of Keystone Elementary.

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