


It is very important that children come to school regularly with very few absences but there are times where it is not safe for a sick child to attend school. It is not safe for the sick child or the other students/staff they may expose if they would attend school while ill.

Please follow these guidelines when deciding weather or not to send your child to school when they are ill.


-Green nasal or eye drainage

-Continuous, uncontrollable cough

-Vomiting or diarrhea- child must be vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hours with out any medication before returning to school

-Red, watery, itchy, crust eye/eyes in the morning. This could be a sign of "pinkeye/conjunctivitis." This is highly contagious. Student must be evaluated by a physician and not return to school until antibiotic is used for 24 hours.

-Temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher- child must be fever free for 24 hours with out any fever reducing medication.

-Rashes that have not been diagnosed by a physician.

-Lice- please keep child home for 24 hours after any lice treatment. This will provide enough time to properly comb repeatedly through your child's hair to remove all nits (eggs). Student may return when no lice or nits visible. Student and parent/guardian must check into the nurses office before returning to class.

-Any time your child may be visibly sick. You know your child best. 

IMPORTANT: If your child has been home sick for 3 consecutive days, they need to be seen by a physician and have a note to return to school.

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